The Wetlands Workforce Project
The B.C. Wildlife Federation’s Wetlands Workforce project is one of the largest projects funded through the Healthy Watersheds Initiative. As the largest collaborative wetland initiative of its kind in Canada, the Wetlands Workforce project aimed to bring increased knowledge and understanding of the condition of B.C.’s wetlands to community, regional and provincial levels.
This project spanned across the province providing maintenance and monitoring work to over 250 wetland sites. It created and supported jobs for 205 individuals, not to mention making major advancements of a rapid wetland functional assessment model across three regions of the province.
Below you will find the Wetlands Workforce final report and showcase webinar which outlines the work and accomplishments achieved by the work-pods involved in this project. Other resources that came out of this project are also available to view.

The Wetlands Workforce Final Report |
The Wetland Ecosystem Services Protocol Final Report |
Pictured is Caleigh Lehan, one of the Field Technicians with the B.C. Wildlife Federation's Wetlands Workforce southwest work-pod. Photo by: Cheyenne Bergenhenegouwen
Showcase Webinar
On March 4, 2022, the Wetlands Workforce Headquarters team presented on the many achievements that came out of this one-year project. The full presentation can be viewed below.