Kwikwetlem First Nation is hiring and training four full-time Resource Guardians, who will enforce conservation regulations, restore environmentally compromised sites, and monitor development activities to protect archaeological, environmental, and cultural assets. This project supports 10 jobs. (Photo: Andy Fitzsimon / Unsplash)
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Upper Fraser Fisheries Conservation Alliance, in partnership with Carrier Sekani First Nations, will develop, implement, and manage a First Nations-staffed water monitoring and data management system. Once operational, the system will be used to centralize, analyze, and share up-to-date water monitoring data collected on the Endako River to support informed decision-making. This project supports 18 jobs.
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The Upper Fraser Fisheries Conservation Alliance and Carrier Sekani First Nations will work with governments and communities to build a weir on the Endako River. After constructing the weir, their team will monitor water flows and mitigate de-watering during low flows to protect the spawning habitat of important Chinook and Kokanee salmon populations. (Photo: Picture BC / Flickr)
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Squamish River Watershed Society, in partnership with Squamish Nation and Fisheries and Oceans Canada, is continuing efforts to restore anadromous passage to spawning grounds in the upper Elaho River. This work involves removing any additional obstructions at previously cleared sites and implementing innovative monitoring techniques to assess impact. This phase of the project supports five jobs. (Photo: Adarshana Thapa / REFBC)
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