The Town of Gibsons is evaluating the conditions and potential risks to natural assets within the Gibsons Aquifer Watershed. By ensuring that natural assets are understood, measured, and managed, this project will support asset management strategies and climate change responses. This project will support nine jobs. (Photo: Unsplash)
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Slocan River Streamkeepers will work with local partners to restore riparian areas within the Slocan Valley. (Photo: Picture BC / Flickr)
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West Kootenay Community EcoSociety is working with First Nations and communities in Central Kootenay to assess natural assets and develop nature-based plans for two key watersheds. WKCES will prepare a plain language risk and opportunity analysis, and will develop an interactive map describing the current condition of the watersheds for residents who rely on them for drinking water. This project will support up to 21 jobs. (Photo: Nick Davies / REFBC)
View map of BC's Natural Resource District.
Lower Kootenay Band is restoring naturally appearing and functioning wetlands and floodplains by filling ditches, removing reed canary grass, and recontouring altered wetland basins along the Kootenay River. This project, which supports 11 jobs, uses innovative techniques that will reduce the need to maintain and artificially fill the wetlands. (Photo: Cheyenne Bergenhenegouwen / BCWF)
View map of BC's Natural Resource District.
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