Upper Fraser Fisheries Conservation Alliance, in partnership with Carrier Sekani First Nations, will apply Yinka Dene Water Law (YDWL) to assess and implement ecosystem restoration and protection projects in the Nechako watershed. YDWL is the policy that governs water use and stewardship obligations in Nadleh Whut’en and Stellat’en territories. This project supports up to 12 jobs.
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Kwakiutl First Nation is completing a fish habitat assessment for the Giyuxw River to establish a baseline of habitat conditions for salmonids and determine priorities for restoration and protection work. This project, which supports 14 jobs, furthers the Nation's reclamation of Tsuqwa, an ancestral stone fish trap/pound that was an integral part of a historic fishing station and village. (Photo: Andy Fitzsimon / Unsplash)
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The City of Trail is restoring 901 hectares of wetlands, floodplains, and tributaries in Cambridge Creek Reservoir and Violin Lake by decommissioning four dams and rebuilding the surrounding wetlands and streams. By undertaking this large-scale work, the City will improve the health of the watershed and make the site safer for the public. This project supports 31 jobs. (Photo: City of Trail)
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The Sunshine Coast Regional District will work with shíshálh Nation (Sechelt Nation), Skwxú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation), community members, and other local governments to develop a Regional Watershed Management Plan. The plan will outline actions needed to protect watersheds within the region. (Photo: Jim McCaughan / REFBC)
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