A full list of projects is now available as an interactive map, on Airtable, as a list (pdf), and as a Google Earth map file (kmz).
Gitksan Watershed Authorities is continuing work on this multi-year project to restore access, connectivity, and quality of critical salmon habitat in McCully Creek. The focus of this phase is to create berms using native species to stabilize banks and encourage single channel water flow, and monitor changes on wildlife and fish. This project, which supports 18 jobs, will engage and train Gitksan members on restoration and monitoring activities. (Photo: Gitksan Watershed Authority)
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Squamish River Watershed Society, in partnership with Squamish Nation and Fisheries and Oceans Canada, is continuing work on restoring fish passage and access to over 300 hectares of habitat in the Squamish estuary. This project focuses on modifying the lower section of the training berm and installing flow control structures. This project supports 26 jobs. (Photo: Adarshana Thapa / REFBC)
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Comox Valley Project Watershed Society, in partnership with Ducks Unlimited and K'omoks First Nation, is restoring water quality and spawning channels in the Glen Urquhart Creek watershed, a critical wetland and habitat. This project, which supports 12 jobs, involves installing in-stream habitat features, reconnecting catchments to the wetland, and removing invasive species. (Photo: Claire Sauvage-Mar / WatershedsBC)
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Squamish River Watershed Society is conducting water flow monitoring to ensure that communities, fisheries, First Nations, and other regional decision makers have access to data on appropriate minimum flow for an upcoming water use plan in the Squamish/Cheakamus watershed. This project will support three jobs. (Photo: Adarshana Thapa / REFBC)
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District of Kent is replacing a culvert on the Lower Agassiz slough to open the waterway for fish passage. A new fish-friendly flood gate will make valuable habitat accessible to overwintering juvenile salmon and other fish species. This project will support at least 14 jobs. (Photo: Picture BC / Flickr)
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Squamish River Watershed Society, in partnership with Squamish Nation and Fisheries and Oceans Canada, is continuing efforts to restore anadromous passage to spawning grounds in the upper Elaho River. This work involves removing any additional obstructions at previously cleared sites and implementing innovative monitoring techniques to assess impact. This phase of the project supports five jobs. (Photo: Adarshana Thapa / REFBC)
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Ducks Unlimited is completing planning and evaluation to restore marsh habitat in Alaksen National Wildlife Area, part of the Fraser River Delta. Planning includes stakeholder engagement on draft project concept, archaeological impact assessment, salmon monitoring, and invasive plant management. This project will support four jobs. (Photo: Ducks Unlimited)
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