A full list of projects is now available as an interactive map, on Airtable, as a list (pdf), and as a Google Earth map file (kmz).
BC Freshwater Legacy Initiative, a project of Makeway, is providing tailored training, peer learning, and coaching support to Indigenous and non-Indigenous water leaders in communities that are leading on innovative approaches to watershed management, governance, and security. This project, which supports 10 jobs, will enable shared learning between organizations and regions and to advance the use of different knowledge systems in informing good watershed decision-making. (Photo: REFBC)
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Northwest Research and Monitoring Ltd. is partnering with the Morice Watershed Monitoring Trust and the Office of the Wet'suwet'en to complete the first phase of a multi-year riparian restoration project in the Upper Bulkley and Upper Morice basins. This phase of the project supports 28 jobs, and focuses on project planning, technical training, and streamside planting. (Photo: Northwest Research & Monitoring)
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SkeenaWild Conservation Trust is conducting riparian restoration surveys on four fish-bearing streams north of Terrace: Willow Creek, Spring Creek, Lean-To Creek, and Deep Creek. These surveys will identify priority areas for future restoration work and provide a baseline for future monitoring of stream characteristics. This project supports four jobs. (Photo: Picture BC / Flickr)
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The Skeena Knowledge Trust is expanding access to the Skeena Salmon Data Centre so that watershed conservation organizations within the Skeena can address distinct land management issues within those watersheds. (Photo: Skeena Knowledge Trust)
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SkeenaWild Conservation Trust is restoring spawning and rearing habitat for salmon and other fish species. By breaching beaver dams that are inhibiting fish passage and water flow, this work will restore ecological integrity and hydrological function to the stream. This project supports nine jobs. (Photo: SkeenaWild Conservation Trust)
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Gitksan Watershed Authorities is continuing work on this multi-year project to restore access, connectivity, and quality of critical salmon habitat in McCully Creek. The focus of this phase is to create berms using native species to stabilize banks and encourage single channel water flow, and monitor changes on wildlife and fish. This project, which supports 18 jobs, will engage and train Gitksan members on restoration and monitoring activities. (Photo: Gitksan Watershed Authority)
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Wet'suwet'en Treaty Office Society is expanding its water monitoring program to capture data on the distribution, life history, and genetic diversity of salmon spawning in the Upper Bulkley and Morice watersheds. This project, which will support up to eight jobs, addresses high-priority information gaps identified in the Morice Sockeye Rebuilding Plan. (Photo: Picture BC / Flickr)
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