Living Lakes Canada partnered with the Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partners to conduct site investigations on select wetlands in the Upper Columbia River and adjacent Columbia Wetlands to identify vulnerable areas in need of restoration work. Activities included analyzing shallow groundwater levels, collecting morphologic and meteorological data, surveying beaver abundance, and wetlands water level and temperature monitoring at over 40 sites. This project supports six jobs. (Photo: Living Lakes Canada)
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Fraser Basin Council is restoring grasslands in the Cariboo-Chilcotin region to mitigate the impacts of forest encroachment on wildlife habitat, biodiversity, and livestock grazing. This project will support at least nine jobs. (Photo: Stephanie Butler / REFBC)
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Upper Fraser Fisheries Conservation Alliance, in partnership with Carrier Sekani First Nations, will develop, implement, and manage a First Nations-staffed water monitoring and data management system. Once operational, the system will be used to centralize, analyze, and share up-to-date water monitoring data collected on the Endako River to support informed decision-making. This project supports 18 jobs.
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Fraser Riverkeeper Society is partnering with Sea Smart and the Boundary Bay Park Association to expand its recreational water quality monitoring program to Kitsilano Beach and Centennial Beach. Team members will train volunteers on water and environmental sample collection, assess water quality and suitability for recreational use, and share water quality data on Swim Guide. This project, which safeguards community waters and informs future restoration projects, supports five jobs. (Photo: Fraser Riverkeeper)
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