Kwakiutl First Nation, in partnership with the Nature Trust of BC and all levels of government, is restoring coastal estuarine connectivity and habitat in the Gwa'dzi River Estuary. Through activities such as creating intertidal march benches, breaching a legacy forestry road, installing a footbridge, and conducting archaeological and water monitoring, this work aims to recover over two hectares of tidal marsh and mudflat habitat. This project supports 18 jobs. (Photo: Kwakiutl First Nation)
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Wet'suwet'en Treaty Office Society is expanding its water monitoring program to capture data on the distribution, life history, and genetic diversity of salmon spawning in the Upper Bulkley and Morice watersheds. This project, which will support up to eight jobs, addresses high-priority information gaps identified in the Morice Sockeye Rebuilding Plan. (Photo: Picture BC / Flickr)
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The City of Trail is restoring 901 hectares of wetlands, floodplains, and tributaries in Cambridge Creek Reservoir and Violin Lake by decommissioning four dams and rebuilding the surrounding wetlands and streams. By undertaking this large-scale work, the City will improve the health of the watershed and make the site safer for the public. This project supports 31 jobs. (Photo: City of Trail)
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Squamish River Watershed Society, in partnership with Squamish Nation and Fisheries and Oceans Canada, is continuing efforts to restore anadromous passage to spawning grounds in the upper Elaho River. This work involves removing any additional obstructions at previously cleared sites and implementing innovative monitoring techniques to assess impact. This phase of the project supports five jobs. (Photo: Adarshana Thapa / REFBC)
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